Normally, I work on one of my active books a little or a lot each day but right now, I can't decide on which one to work on. I have been so busy with my volunteer work at the Eagles that I just can't sit down and write right now, not even blog. (That is why they are so sporadic anymore). When I do finally sit down at the computer to write, I have three stories floating around in my head. The rewrite of "T.T. Gristman"/time traveler story. The writing of "In Brad's eyes" which is also a rewrite of Lightning in the Tunnel/In the Beginning" or the writing of "Saddle Spur". I have to be careful in my writing or rewriting I don't mix of the story especially the main characters name. I was rewriting T.T. and started using John from Saddle Spur as Tee's name. That forced me t go back and make sure I didn't do it anywhere else in the story. I don't think I screwed up anything "In Brad's Eyes" but I need to check this. Normally this would never happen but I have so many things on my mind that it gets cluttered every once in a while. I usually work on two or three books at a time and had no problems that my editor didn't catch. Saddle Spur is ninety-nine percent complete with the exception of being edited, again. After this week, things should get back to normal except for Thanksgiving looming on the horizon meaning I will be away from the computer a lot more than I like. Anyway, this is what is happening in my world. What is going on in yours?
Talk back, I'm listening as always. Have a great day.