Time to take a deep breath
There comes a time in every unknown writers life that they must reassess their earlier writing. When I first started writing, I thought it was more important to tell the story. That was why my earlier books didn't sell well along with paying for editing that was shit work. I didn't know any better and kept cranking out books trying to tell the whole story on Lightning in the Tunnel series. So I took a deep breath after re-reading the series and withdrew them from the market. So unless the bookstore has a copy of Lightning in the Tunnel-In the Beginning, Zigzagging Home, the Journey Continues, A place Called Terra, and Terra Reigns you are out of luck at getting one. I plan to rewrite the first one because I believe it would be a great read with proper editing and writing with the skills I have acquired to make it better. I wrote the first one over a twenty year period but I didn't know what an author had to do to get it published. I rewrote it just before having it paid to be published. Still I was no writer and paying for an expensive editor did not do my book justice. The first thing that caught my attention making me re-read it was the first paragraph was two pages long and you couldn't tell where the characters were talking and where I was telling the story. I didn't re-read it just before publishing because I listened to it on an audio version and it sounded right (my fault). Between Blogging and Reviewing others books. I believe I have learned to write where it will catch the reader's attention and hold it through out the book. I'm currently re-reading other books on mine and will revise them in time. Since I can't stop writing it will be a slow process but I plan to rewrite the first time travel story called "T.T. Gristman" and a Stranger Comes Crawling" my first alien story. I don't know if other unknowns writers go thru this in their career but I reached the point where I didn't like my earlier books even those with a good story. Talk back; I'm listening as always. Have a great day!
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