Trump announced tonight that states will no longer report Covid cases to the CDC but to "His" health Secretary. And he will announce the Covid reporting cases. This can't happen America! He started with claming "Fake News". That was a lie. He can't remember half the shit he says and then has his team say "That's not what the President meant". Now he wants control of the Covid case numbers! We will be fed bullshit every damn day!!! He wants the American people to think the curve has flattened when it hasn't. He stated at one of his ralleys "We need to slow down the testing". Why, because the only thing he cares about is getting re-elected!!! He doesn't give a shit about the people who have died due to the Virus. "NEVER" has he offered words of comfort for the Doctors, Nurses, Firefighters, Police or you and I. If you watch closely, you will see that Trump is slowly tearing away the very fabric of Democracy to become a Dictator. He admires Putin, Kim Jung whatever from North Korea and until the Covid Pandemic, the Ruler of China. This is not a nightly rant, it's a plea for everyone in America to take notice of what is really going on in the White House. FIGHT BACK AMERICA! post by S.J. Moye
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