Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Touch of Charity by Robert Chifton Storey Junior- my review

 I gave this four stars on Amazon indicating I liked it. I purchased this book for the sole purpose of reviewing it. So here goes-
Sister Mary Vincent has a hard chore today, closing the food pantry that fed the local homeless and poverty stricken people. Closing was due to the death of her Reverend Mother's passing and her order was now being absorbed by another order that believed praying was the highest priority instead of feeding the starving masses. Posting a sign "Free food" Sister Mary tried to help the hungry while closing up the food pantry. The more she gave away, the less she had to pack to take back to her new order. Into her life came a mass murderer fleeing the rapidly closing police dragnet. Unafraid for her own life, she extends a helping hand to the lost soul.
What I liked about the story was it was well written and how Sister Mary dealt with what could have been a deadly confrontation when the killer threatened her with a gun,wanting her keys to her car. The only thing I disliked was the story ended being a short story leaving me to wonder what happened next.
If you are into reading short stories, this is a good one for the Holiday season.
About the author Robert C Storey Jr Born in Detroit in the late fifties, I lived on the Eastside. While growing up in the Motor City, I loved to play games that relied on my imagination. I really enjoyed pretending to be a cowboy when I was very young. Westerns were big in those days, and I watched a lot of the Lone Ranger, Cheyenne, and Zoro. As I got a little older, I developed a fascination with space that bordered on obsession. The space race with the old Soviet Union was in full swing. I spent a lot of time pretending to be an astronaut. I enjoyed watching TV shows such as Lost in Space, Thunderbirds and Star Trek. All these shows help to grow my creativity. Later, we migrated all the way over to the Westside where I spent my rebellious teenage years—it was a crazy and foggy time.
In school, I found that I loved to write. I kept a notebook where I would experiment with small stories, a kind of doodling with words. Writing was a way to free my imagination and let it run wild. I thought books were the greatest invention ever made, and I still do. The first book that really affected me deeply was Flowers for Algernon. Later, I read the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings both of which started my love affair with the fantasy genre.
At twenty, I joined the service and was deployed aboard two Robert Clifton Storey Jrdifferent aircraft carriers, the USS Enterprise and then later on the USS Coral Sea (Both of which are decommissioned—man, I feel old!). I voyaged to such wondrous places as the Philippines, Korea, Singapore, Australia, and Hong Kong. It was an awesome experience and a great personal adventure. I read constantly and would write every night for hours as the ship rocked gently in the middle of the ocean. I wrote a book that could be considered a prequel to Flight of the Vessel.
I was determined to complete my college degree, so after leaving the service, I enrolled at Western Washington University and studied English, Literature, and several writing styles such as novel, short story, and playwriting.
In search of better job opportunities, I left Washington State for Columbia, SC to help my family in their small businesses. And then a few years later, I move to Virginia to work for a small newspaper in the Shenandoah Valley as the director of technology responsible for technology strategies. I decided to start a family and I now have two wonderful sons.
I did manage to write a little here and there, but not as much as I would have liked. Wanting to improve my management skills, I went back to school to study business, earning a masters from a local college. It was about this time that began to write down some ideas for a book that would carry on the story I wrote on ship…and thus began the Vision Dream Series.
I hope you can read his bio, I copied it from his about page. 
Talk back, I'm listening as always. Have a great new year as well.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Cleaning out my inbox

It seems like it is the time of the year for everyone to ask for a donation. My in box is filled with different charities wanting a money donation. I raise money for several charities in my volunteer work so I don't give to those that request it in my inbox. I just go through and delete them without reading most of them being so many. Politics is another item filling my inbox, most want me to contribute to various races all over the country. It is too early in my mind to pledge my support to any candidate in the National election. I want to see how things shake out after a few primaries then I will get serious about looking at each candidate and deciding which be would be best leader for America for the next four years. So I go through and delete them as well. I do sign some petitions that I feel will make a good change in America especially the one about open internet, that is something I hold dear to me. I may not agree with everything that is blogged or posted but feel everyone has the right to say how they feel unless it is promoting harm to an individual or government official. Even though my books in the Lightning in the Tunnel contain violence that is necessary to tell the story, I am against the death penalty. I do not believe anyone should take the life of another, life is too precious to waste.

Talk back, I'm listening as always with you agree with me or not. I value your input.  

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Hardest thing about being a multi-genre writer

It seems that everyone wants to peg you into one genre but I'm the type of writer that writes the stories as they appear in my head. One of my books might be a mystery. The next one about an Alien coming to Earth. One might be a western( I'm almost finished with this one). I started out my Lightning in the Tunnel series a Dystopia/Apocalyptic series and bringing it to a conclusion in Space. I had my Character in T.T. Gristman to go back into time to find his love and rescue her from the past. My mind is very active coming up with new and different works such as IronHeart a story about a young man that is forced to become an adult being unprepared for the event. It is a straight fiction, no SiFi, time travel or anything bizarre except maybe a little crime mixed in it.  So I'm a round peg everyone tries to put in a square hole. Sometimes I fit and sometimes I don't. Maybe if I stuck to one genre, more people would be aware of my work but sticking to one does not satisfy my inner self. That is what I write for now, just to get these stories out and maybe entertain a reader or two. You can find me on Goodreads, Amazon and Smashwords among other fine writing and reading places. Have a good day and week. Talk back I'm listening as always.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Found by Jason Smith-book tour

  Banner3   Found by Jason Smith Genre: Thriller Publisher: MaxQ Enterprises Publication Date: May 13, 2015  
Not all the good in the world is known - the same can be said for the bad. People, places and events that seem random, really aren't.
How are we to know whose lives will be affected, or destroyed? Will one wrong move make the difference? Will one bad decision end somebody's life?
No one knows what will be lost - or who will be Found.
About the Author
Jason Smith began his career in television production before becoming both a network TV and radio personality. He has spent the last dozen years with ESPN, the NFL Network, and Fox Sports Radio. He currently hosts "The Jason Smith Show", heard nights on FSR and iheart radio.
His other highlights include an Emmy Award for his work on 'Sportscenter,' marrying well, memorizing "Caddyshack" and the '86 Mets. And not necessarily in that order.
And he's glad Revis is back.
'Found' is his first novel.
Thanks for dropping in, Have a nice day and talk back, I'm listening as always.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Angel 6.0: Concubine (Space Opera) by Travis Luedke-my review

 I know the first thing everyone wants to know is how I rate it, that was a tough one for me Liked it well enough but didn't actually love it so I am giving it four stars. This was an Amazon verified purchase. Now to my review-
The story is that in the future, Earth travels into deep space where they encounter an warring Alien species that is more advance. Conflict ensues and a hidden part of the peace treaty is where Earth supplies dumb down human clones that the Fran. Alien Species built like giant cats that walk on their hind-legs as humans do. On this hidden space station, scientists are creating these illegal human clones. Bored with just creating clones, the scientist work on creating a better human as well. This was what led to the creation of Angel 6.0 which means they tried at least six times to create a human that was smarter, faster and perfect. I don't know what happened to the ones before her if you cut her, she finds pleasure in it and heals in a matter of hours. Her sexual prowess is well stated and demonstrated in the story. By accident, the Fran spot her and they desire to have her thinking she could be bred with other humans to make super slaves for them. When she is taken into the Fran's custody, she learns that she is illegal and not considered human. Hell, the whole operation was illegal but she survives in the Fran custody for as long as they think she can produce offspring. A compelling story that you will like. It is well written and if you are a reader of space opera; you will find this interesting.Travis has an whole series about Angel 6.0 that you will want to read. This is the first book in this series. click to get your copy.
Talk back, I'm listening and follow this blog for more reviews. My taste is varied so who knows what genre I might read next.