Saturday, September 27, 2014

DRAGONBRIDE by Ranni York- Guest Post

Magic - Fire - Dragons


Raani York's First Novel is published!

See what the book is about...

(Picture by:
Short Bio:
Raani York has been a high volume writer for years. She has published articles, letters, short stories, poems, continuation stories and descriptions of all kind. She also writes novels, some of which can be found on her website,

Raani has been educated in Switzerland and in the U.S. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. She also obtained diplomas in Graphic Design, Color Studies and won a prize as a Logo Designer. She speaks four languages and several dialects. 
Raani York works and lives in Switzerland and the U.S. and travels often.
Next to her writing and her cats, Raani likes reading, blogging, Martial Arts, skiing, horseback riding, sky diving and enjoys playing the classical piano.
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Shalima, “Daughter of the Light”, was born under special circumstances. She was raised by her aunts instead of her mother because she needed to be prepared to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Scriptures, which told that she was the only Magician on Earth.
Her aunts carefully prepared her for her obligations and her sacred duty. She will have to get married to the Holy Golden Dragon, the King of the Dragons, a huge Earth Dragon with magical talents. She cannot believe that she is the “Chosen One”, who has to protect the Dragon Species, all of Nature and finally the Earth. But when she turned into a teenager it seemed that the Old Scriptures were right.
Not only does she have to fulfill her duty by getting married to the Dragon – she will also have to go on a deadly mission to save the world from an unspeakable evil. A mission there is very little hope her party will ever return from.

DRAGONBRIDE can be purchased here:

on Smashwords:

As an Ebook for following formats: epub, mobipd,f rtflrf ,pdbtxt,html

The Paperback version on Amazon will be released very soon! More buyer’s links will be available within the next week.

ISBN D 9781311287991
(The Dragon Chronicles, Book #1)

Shalima, “Daughter of the Light”, was born under special circumstances. She was raised by her aunts instead of her mother because she needed to be prepared to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Scriptures, which told that she was the only Magician on Earth.

Her aunts carefully prepared her for her obligations and her sacred duty. She will have to get married to the Holy Golden Dragon, the King of the Dragons, a huge Earth Dragon with magical talents. She cannot believe that she is the “Chosen One”, who has to protect the Dragon Species, all of Nature and finally the Earth. But when she turned into a teenager it seemed that the Old Scriptures were right.

Buy the Book:

As an Ebook for following formats: epub, mobi, pd,f rtf, lrf ,pdb, txt, html

The Paperback version on Amazon will be released very soon! More buyer’s links will be available within the next week.



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    The mountains possessed a dark but seductive beauty, and they lay in wait for the ones who came through the Fire Hell. The powdered white peaks of the sparkling black mountain-world watched for them with longing.

  The Diamond Mountains gave the illusion of being much closer than they really were, and many a pilgrim had been lured to his death by the promise of riches hidden on their slopes. These mountains were so named because of the rough gems strewn about the black volcanic soil. When the sun shone overhead the gems made the mountains sparkle and shimmer brightly, and at night they made the moonlit mountains glow with a soft silver light.

  People, blinded by both their greed and the tantalizing glittering of the sunlit earth, imagined that there was immeasurable wealth lying there on the ground, just waiting to be picked. However, the mountains never betrayed the secrets they held. None who had ever walked those slopes could find the diamonds hidden within the black soil, for the mountains protected themselves.

  Although healthy forest still grew in the foothills, the undergrowth became sparser just a few hundred feet up, and then the treeline ended. Where stunted trees would normally grow the forest just stopped, as if some unseen hand had cut it short. All that remained were dangerously sharp, dry rocks. Just below the snowline, the rocks disappeared, and the glittering black soil took their place.

Moreover, at the summit it seemed as if the Creator of All Things had dusted the peaks of the fissured mountain range with powdered sugar, for they were covered with a deceptively soft-looking, yet extremely sharp-edged eternal snow.

  The mountains never betrayed their secrets...
  And if a wanderer were to climb those peaks, going up to the Fire Hell and searching to quench his thirst at a splashing mountain spring, he would find no cool, refreshing water. Instead, these living mountains would seek to frighten him by shrouding the ground with a mysterious fog that made it impossible to see where he was putting his feet. Pilgrims sometimes drowned in the sulfurous pools of water hidden within the hellish rocks when the fog appeared, and if they left the main trails, they would know true fear, for they would be led down treacherous side paths that seemed to take them somewhere, yet actually led them nowhere but to their doom.

  The mountains never betrayed their secrets...
  Though many thought they would find the cool relief of the shadows by early evening, the ascent would continue for another three torturous days. During those three days, their throats would scream for water, and their eyes would tear up in the swirling sand. Blown up by the hot desert winds, the sand burned as it fell upon a traveler's face and skin. Eventually their limbs would become heavy, and they would barely be able to move; thus, the wanderers would be forced to crawl on, farther and farther, until sheer luck eventually brought them to civilization... to people.

  In a canyon between two hills below the mountain range there was a village. It had no official name, but the people living there called it Alpcateçu, which meant Oasis of the Mountains. Anyone who wanted to climb the mountains had to pass through the village. A few taverns and inns surrounded the village fountain, where a market was sometimes held.
  Some houses and huts had been built in the wide hills and even at the edge of the forest... and in one such place, hidden within the woods, almost four hundred feet past the deepest thicket and connected to the village only by a side path lay the place in which I had been born.

 Enjoy this post and talk back, I'm listening, so is Ranni

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

You can tell if I was really into a story.

If my review is long winded, then I really got into the story I reviewed. The star rating doesn't mean as much as to me but I give each book one. I may have liked it or loved it but if I go on and on about instead of just a few lines, then the story really captured my complete mind. The Harvest was one of those books. Not only did I love the story and how she brought it all together. You can find my review here in the archives, A couple of other books, Deadly Fun and Life II also come to mind. Each book is totally different in their own writing style. The book "Isolation" not only did I enjoy it but it made me reluctant to shake hands and I am seeing on the news where to reduce the spread of infections, more and more are bumping fist as a way of stopping the spread of germs. The Ebola outbreak and the steps being taken are right out of the book. 

When I review a book, I make sure there is no spoiler parts posted. How do you handle your reviews, are you one of those that can't keep the ending to yourself? Do you write short reviews or none at all? 

Talk back, I listening and be sure to follow this blog, I might actually have something interesting to say, at least once in a while. LOL  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

etc,& friends

I cleaned my glasses so I could see the screen better, now I can see what I am writing.
What I want to talk about today is my writing experiences a little but more so about how my writing has expanded my friends. Talking about writing has lead me to join various organizations on social media that widened my circle of friends. Meeting face to face while talking about my books has lead me to meet a lot of people in my hometown. Social media allows me to become friends with people all over the world and get their take on different things. Living in a small rural environment sometimes narrows your point of view but my social contacts spreads me all over the globe. Even though I might not understand fully their point of view, I respect it as long as it is not filled with hate. We each have honed our point of view from our take on the world. You have your point of view, I have mine and as long as we respect each other, we can talk about anything. After all, we are all humans sharing this planet.
Something we can not take for granted is our planet. Regardless of our religious views, we all need to do our part to protect the planet along with other species that live here as well. We should all strive to leave this planet in better condition than it was when we came to be. Our children and grandchildren all depend upon us to do so. I will get off my soapbox now and leave you with one thought for the day "What have I done today to make this a better world?"  
Talk back, I'm Listening!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Spotlighting the Shadows blog Tour-Guest post

 Hello, and welcome to the 'SPOTLIGHTING THE SHADOW' Blog Tour. My name is Rhani D'Chae, and I am the author of Shadow of the Drill, a revenge thriller. Shadow is my first published novel and has been on Amazon for about nine months. During that time I connected with Rave Reviews Book Club, and have been overwhelmed by the support that I, as a fledgling author, have received from them. They're an awesome group of people and I'm so glad that I connected with them.

Shadow of the Drill is the story of a man (Decker), whose life was drastically altered by a random act of violence that tore his world apart and changed him from an unproven young street tough into a man on a mission of revenge.  

Book Excerpt
His gloved fingers probed the Betadine-stained area above the wound as he prepared to make another incision, but he stopped when Rudy moaned in response. “Char,” he said without looking up, “he’s too close to the top. We need to put him back down. I know the pills are gone, but is there any more booze?”

   The woman clenched her hands together, unable to hide her stricken expression. “No. I gave him the last of it just before you started. There might be more somewhere, but I don’t know how much.” Her voice broke in a frustrated sob. “Or where it would be.”

   Decker frowned again, thinking of and weighing the options. “Well,” he said, swallowing hard against the dread that threatened the strength and accuracy of his hands, “I guess we’ll just go ahead and finish it. Hopefully, he’ll pass out before we get too far.”

   Another sentence followed, too softly for Charlene to hear. “What did you say?”

   “I said if there’s a God in Heaven, he will.”    

   The bloodstained gloves hit the floor, and Decker’s hands cupped Rudy’s face, one finger tracing the clenched jaw with a lover’s smooth touch. His lips tightened at the thought of what his friend would still have to suffer at his hands, but then he straightened, all emotion locked safely away until the job was done. “Ready?” The sound of fresh gloves snapping around his wrists accented the word.

   Charlene caught her breath, but managed to keep her voice from shaking too badly. “As ready as I’m gonna be.” She pressed her palms against Rudy’s shoulders, leaning her weight forward while bracing her feet against the base of the wall behind her.

   “Are you sure?” Decker’s voice was steady, almost as if his fright had never been. She bobbed her head in reply, and he poised his hands over Rudy’s abdomen. “Okay then,” he said, forcing his eyes away from Rudy’s face. “Here we go.”

   The scalpel slid into the skin, forcing a throaty groan from Rudy’s lips. Blood flowed, causing Charlene’s heart to skip a beat.

   There’s so much!

   Rudy’s legs thrashed while Charlene fought to hold his upper body against the table and she dug the heels of her palms into the front of his shoulders. “I can’t hold him,” she cried, struggling against Rudy’s greater strength. “Deck, I’m losing him!”

   “I’m almost there,” he replied as the scalpel went deeper. “Just a little more, and I’ll have it!” 

   He tossed the blood-covered instrument onto the tray before picking up the forceps. “Okay,” he said, more to himself than to Charlene. “Okay, steady now. Easy . . . easy . . .”

   Rudy cried out when Decker reached in for the elusive piece of metal. His head rolled from side to side while his hands flailed, even though Decker tried to hold the closest one against the edge of the table with his body. His expressive brown eyes were wide and pain-crazed, but beneath the pain was something else. Something that, to their dismay, both Charlene and Decker recognized.


   Rudy should have been beyond all feeling, but instead he remained awake. Awake and aware.

Thank you all so much for allowing me to share a bit of my journey with you today.  To follow the rest of my tour, please visit4WillsPublishing.  A.G., you were a great host and thank you so much for having me!

BIO:Image result for rhani d'chae
RHANI D. CHAE has always been an avid reader.  She enjoys chatting with readers and fellow writers via social networking sites and loves getting comments and other input from those who have read her work.  So, please don't leave without sharing your comments.


Twitter:  @rhanidchae

Rhani's Author Page at 4WillsPublishing
***This tour was sponsored by  To book your own tour, please contact us.***
Talk to Rhani, she is listening!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The opinionatedman-my review of his blog

DSC_0057 The opinionatedman, who's real name is Jason Cushman and his blog HarshReality caught my interest seeing his constant blogging after I started to follow his blog. I think I have been following him just over a year. Most of the time I never read his complete blog, just his headlines. That is enough for me to draw a picture of him by the comments he makes and the responses to his posts. Jason is like a great chef, he likes to mix up just the right ingredients to give it a flavor, only he uses words to cook with. He likes to say things that brings the pot to a boil and just before it boils over, he turns down the heat and let's it simmer. Of course there are times that his words boil over and people get upset. Other times, just when you think it is going to simmer, he turns up the heat to get the words boiling again. In other words, he is like the rail road engineer on a steam locomotive that has to blow the whistle to let off a little steam. He does host other bloggers, especially authors and give them a chance to promote their products to his followers.  He also helps out others with information to improve their blogging, a sort of how to help. After all, he is an excellent blogger. He gets everyone's attention, good or bad. That's what bloggers do and he does it well. Looking at his blog site, I saw he has made it easy for someone to view one of his past blogs. In the left column is his bio followed by blogging articles, including power blogging and the list goes on with guest blogger posts. In the center is most recent blog or the blog I happened to see when I Google his name. On the right side is his links to follow him and his most popular blogs list. Over all, it is not cluttered and since he is not selling anything, he has no place to buy something. His stated goal is: 

My goal with this blog is to offend everyone in the world at least once with my words… so no one has a reason to have a heightened sense of themselves. We are all ignorant, we are all found wanting, we are all bad people sometimes.

 I found he has reached his goal and strives to expand his list of those he offended in some manner. Like him or hate him, he does get your attention. I found a lot of those that un-follow him come back later just to see what he is saying now, or who he is battling with. 

Just so you know, Jason had nothing to do with this wording or blog, I was going to post something on his blog as a guest but decided not to at this time. 

Talk back, I'm listening and you can follow this blog. My next blog will be on Friday part of the Spotlight of the Shadow tour. Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Looking back on the past

I hope everyone had a good laugh or shook their heads in disbelief over "My Hellion Years" posts. None of it was fiction, just the facts of some of our misadventures during the summer of 1962. Being unsupervised for most of the day led to a lot of these incidents. We played rough and fought a lot, normally it was me, Mary and Barbara fighting against Robert and Carl. That is if we weren't fighting against the neighbor boys, that happened to be close in age to us three boys. They were never allowed to join in any of our antics, because when Robert and the oldest boy fought, they broke their back door window. Hence, we were not allowed to associate with them. Both their parents worked and to keep us from fighting (after the window incident) they stayed at their grandparents during the summer, or in their house with orders not to leave. Besides our adventures spoken of in the posts, we had several other incidents that I didn't speak of. Like Robert trying to teach my sister Mary judo, and forgot to let her arm go when he threw her, separating her shoulder. We were using coke bottles as hand grenades in one battlefield play, I rose up from a foxhole and was hit in the forehead by a coke bottle. A small piece broke off, lodging in my skull going unnoticed since it didn't bleed much. We were always getting cuts and scrapes from our activities. We would stop and make sure the injured was still breathing and go on. Mary ended up a day later having to go to the doctor. I didn't know about the piece of glass until I returned to school and started having a lot of headaches. The school nurse found the glass and removed it. I still have the scar from it, but the headaches went away.  Sometimes I wonder if my past was where I came up with the idea of Brian and Cindi fighting so much in my Lightning in the Tunnel series. I know the hateful attitude that Brian has in the series, came from my experiences with my brother Robert. He was mean and very hateful towards me while growing up. We get along so-so as adults. 


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

1962-my Hellion years #4- We were not real terrorist

 If you been following this story do not be shocked by this post!!! Today we would be called terrorists and locked up for many years, or at least until we were eighteen. Anyway, getting on with the story, my brother Robert and I were in charge of the three younger children, (Mary, Carl and Barbara-oldest to the youngest). After our escapade with tying Carl to the wagon wheel and being punished by Mom, we were good for about a week. Especially since Mom didn't punish us for cutting down the support beam. 

But then our restlessness of being good got the better of us. We went to the wagon and found someone disassembled it so we couldn't use it. That didn't deter us, we took the front part missing the wagon tongue and gave the younger ones rides up and down the hill, using the front wheels and axle like a rickshaw. This became boring to myself and Robert, so we took a wooden fence post and attached it in the area where the wagon tongue used to be. When we did that, it looked like an old fashioned cannon, so we started playing war with it. We even wanted to paint it black so it would look like a cannon. The end of the fence post was very pointed. That gave us an idea of placing a tin can on the end with a firecracker in it and lighting the fuse. Success! The tin can flew about five feet. Next we came up with the idea of using more than one firecracker. It had limited success, going about the same distance because the second firecracker exploded after the first one sent the can into flight. What we decided was, it needed more elevation. We made ramps and placed it on the roof of our house. Next we took apart several firecrackers and made one bigger one. Again, Success! With the increased elevation and gunpowder the can soared up in the air landing on the other side of highway that ran in front of our house. On the other side of the road was the local airport. Call it bad timing or just our luck, the air force was using the airport for pilot training, doing touch and go to teach the new pilots how to fly their craft. The airport runway was not long enough for them to actually land, but they would touch down briefly and take off again. Leaving the runaway, they would make a steep turn and come back around to try it again. They were just a little higher than telephone poles, even though there were none near the airport. When one jet came around, we had just fired our make believe cannon right into the flight path of that particular jet. Can you imagine our excitement of actually hitting something with our toy? A tin can hitting a jet makes a lot of noise but does no damage that we were aware of. Anyway, the jets aborted their training and flew off going back to their base. We panicked, because this time we knew we were in deep trouble. We quickly removed the homemade cannon from the roof, returning the wagon parts back to where we got them from. We hoped no one saw us, but we knew we had been in full view of the neighbors. At that time no one really heard of a terrorists, but we knew we were in trouble. Like normal, we walked the mile and half to town and delivered our newspapers. We told the younger ones not to say a thing to anyone about what we did. 

Needless to say after we came home from delivering newspapers, we were scared as hell Mom would find out, or the MP's would be there at our house. When we entered the house, Mom could tell we did something wrong and quizzed us, but we weren't telling. Mom surprised us by telling us that she didn't have to go into work that night. Maybe, one of the neighbors told on us, we were too scared to ask why. After eating, we were just cleaning up when an air force vehicle pulled in front of our house. Mom gave us one of those, "Now, what have you guys done?" looks and walked out to meet the Air Force Colonel that disembarked from the passenger's seat. We went and hid in our beds waiting to receive our mother's wrath after she learned what we did. They talked for about fifteen minutes then the Colonel returned to his car and Mom came into the house. Mom came in, sitting down at the table and started crying. When she didn't call us in or threaten to punish us, I left the bed and went standing close to her. She was crying like I hadn't seen her cry since the death of my father. Finally she spoke through her tears, "You two are going to be the death of me yet!" I was stunned and sad seeing her cry. Right then, I resolved not to do anymore stupid childish stunts and placed my arms around her shoulders. Mom and I became very close after that, more friends than son and mother. I became the one she could count on to keep the house running while she was gone. We stayed on our best behavior waiting to see what or how she was going to punish us for what we did. Looking back, I think us being on our best behavior was punishment enough for her as she saw it. That is why we were not punished, the thought of it hanging over our heads was enough. Fortunately, school started a week later and we didn't have any time to get into mischief with school, paper routes and the onslaught of colder weather. 

Mom got smart the next year, she found me and Robert jobs, leaving my sister Mary to watch over the younger ones during the summer. That is why unsupervised children need activities to engage in to keep from getting bored. Now days, they have TV, video games and other things to get engaged in, we had none of that. Just ourselves to use our imaginations to create excitement. 

Have a great day and talk back, I'm listening as always.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

My Hellion years Post #3

Sorry about the gap in posting, I was committed to do some other posting before I could go back to the story. Just to catch you up on story about the year after my father passed away. My brother (a year older than me) and I were in charge of taking care of my two younger sisters and my younger brother while my mother worked two jobs to support us. Anyway, I left off with my younger brother tied to a wagon while almost upside down in a brier patch, as punishment for telling Mom about our borrowing our neighbor's horse drawn wooden wagon. We left him there while we went into town to deliver our newspapers. 

Mom came home from work and released him and pondered what punishment was appropriate for us. When we arrived at home, she acted like nothing was wrong as she served us dinner. Her only comment was "You like tying up your brother?" We almost didn't eat, afraid of what lay in store for us. We thought about hiding out until she left for work again but hunger got the best of us. 

Our dining room was separated from the kitchen by a wall, but we removed it all but the supporting post to allow all of us to sit at the table. It was too small otherwise. After we ate, she didn't leave for work so we knew something was up. She had us to go get the ropes we used to tie my brother up. We thought she was going to tie us to the wagon wheel as punishment, but it was dark outside and she had a better idea. She made us stand back to back on each side of the supporting post. She then proceeded to tie us up, making sure our hands were tied securely so we couldn't free ourselves, she then added one final touch. She put a belt around our necks so that as long as we stood perfectly still everything was okay.  But if we moved, we choked the other. Of course being young and full of spirit, we probably took turns choking each other twenty or so times before we finally stopped. Mom left for work telling the younger children not to untie us, she would do it when she came home from work. 

My younger brother we tied to the wagon wheel would never come close to us but he enjoyed seeing us choking each other. My sister Mary, the older of the girls, finally untied our hands allowing us to be free. My older brother, Robert went out to the shed and got the skill saw, cutting that supporting beam down so Mom could never use that punishment on us again. That part of the ceiling had a permanent sag in it from then on. 

Mom never said a word the next day about the supporting post being gone except for making my brother after she found out who cut it, cut the bottom even more so there would be nothing to trip over. We thought we would be punished further, but no. As it turned out, we only lived there until mid-winter. Robert put too much wood in the heating stove and caught the roof on fire. 

One more adventure awaited us that summer of 1962 before school started. I will tell you about it in the next post #4 sub-titled "Today we would have been considered "Terrorists"

Talk back, I'm listening follow this blog at or on Wordpress at you can visit my web site at     

@2014 by agmoye

Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Simon" Book Tour

 About the Book
NOTE: Complete novel. No cliffhanger. Dual POV. Rated 18+ for language and strong sexual content.
Four years of honorably serving his country has left Simon, Cade’s younger brother, damaged and trapped in wolf form. Little did he know the only person with the ability to heal him completely would be found at home. Literally. Now that he’s found her, he is desperate to claim her.
Rose is a beautiful, voluptuous woman with limited experience with men. Although she's confident, she still has reservations. Never having a family of her own, her fear of abandonment has her fleeing romantic relationships, and doubting herself.
Travis is insane. A deadly loose cannon that a secret organization hired to destroy the Le Beau family by denying them their mates. Permanently.

Simon’s dream will be lost forever unless he is able to maintain human form.
Rose needs unconditional love and a mate to create the family she’s always wanted.
Travis’s all-consuming drive is to take Rose for himself.
Will Simon ever be whole again, able to claim his mate, giving Rose the love and family she so desperately craves? Or will Travis destroy them both?

 About the Author 

V.A.Dold is the bestselling author of the Le Beau Brothers series, New Orleans wolf shifter novels. A graduate of Saint Cloud University, she majored in marketing. Prior to becoming a full time writer, she was a publicist to the authors, owning Innovative Online Book Tours and ARC Author & Reader Con's (ARC NOLA) (ARC Phoenix). Still is. The companies mesh so well together, much like PB&J.
Her idea of absolute heaven is a day in the French Quarter filled with nothing but her computer, her coffee mug and the Brothers, of course.
A Minnesota native with her heart lost to Louisiana, she has a penchant for titillating tales featuring sexy men and strong women. When she's not writing, she's probably taking in a movie, reading or traveling.
Her earliest reading memories are from grade school. She had a major fixation with horses, and the Black Stallion was a favorite. Then junior high came along and teenage hormones kicked in. It became all about the Harlequin Romances. She has been hooked on romances ever since.

You can find V.A. at these links:

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Please check out the other hosts on the tour for chances to enter the Giveaway!
August 27 - (Review)
August 29 - (Review)
September 5 - (Review)
September 6 -
September 8 -
September 9 - (Review)
September 11 - (Review)
September 15 -

Maer Wilson
Talk back, I'm listening as always!