It is time once again to talk to you!I hope your day is going well. Just be thankful that you never run into the crazies out there in this world. They will ruin your day or your life if they don't kill you.
Now, back to my writing. Having reached the crossroads and made the decision to be an Indie Author, I have faced the fact that it is necessary to do things different and touch the lives of many different people. I have decided after the first of the year to start hosting a talk show on Blog talk Radio called George's little write shop and plan to talk with a lot of writers and publishers about writing and getting published. I am currently listening to their workshops so I will get an idea of how to do this. BlogtalkRadio is an Internet talk show. Since I have a web camera, I thought about doing live segments with video but then decided I didn't want to have to get dressed every show. I work most of the time in my sweats and night gown top unless I plan on going somewhere. Ha Ha! They are the most comfortable to stay in all day.
Since I have made the decision to be a Indie writer and not bother with an agent or TP, things have become more simple for me. I must make the effort to get the word out to as many people as I can about my books. An unknown Author has a tough row to hoe. Knowing I am one of a million writers out there trying to spread the word about their books, don't make the task any less daunting.
As I develop more friends and contacts, it makes it easier hearing their stories along with getting their feedback on their lives. No matter how mundane we think our lives are, connections with others brighten our day and make it all worth while. That is why I ask for feedback and comments each post. On this site I'm really not trying to sell you my books, just tell you a little of the story behind each book.
I get my inspirations for each book since the Lightning in the Tunnel Series by sitting in my chair and letting my mind flow while staring out the window. A little music in the background sometimes gets the creative juices flowing. I love country music and old rock but the rap stuff turns me off. Too much cussing or obscenities for my liking. If you noticed in my books, their is very little cussing even though there might be a little sex in them. I feel obscenities are a sign of a weak mind. I have family members that cuss so much that I can't stand to listen to them. I'm sure those of you out there have the same problem, why is it necessary? I ask myself, the only answer I get is some of them started doing that when they first became an adult and still think it is an adult way of speaking. I don't think so!
Talk back to me! I would love to hear your comments or thoughts on this or other subject matter. Just chat if you feel bored or a little lonely and want someone to vent your frustrations on! I am here to listen, maybe even help! email me at or tweet me at or use the comment section down below! Have a great day!
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